this is the new logo design for inkcarnation, a clothing label based on Jakarta, Indonesia.
since there is 3 founders of Inkcarnation, i'm thinking about creating a simple visual, that could represent their equality in this label. so, here it is. the logogram that symbolizing balance, harmony, neverending flowing stream, their own yin & yang style.
behind the whole concept, there's a fengshui measurements. 
the reason why i'm using that customized "basic title"font is that it could represent the wood element for garment industry. and it have that simple characteristic.
while the logogram representing water element. water + wood = good harmony.
the blue color was my suggestion due to the water element and it could brought a firm and confident feeling to the label. meanwhile, they requesting for another color version. a colorful option, since their clothing label producing a multi-theme and color designs. so here it is.


inkcarnation logo + visual branding project of visualblah
